Dermal Filler Treatments
What are Dermal Filler Treatments?
Dermal filler treatments are non-surgical cosmetic procedures that smooth wrinkles/fine lines and restore volume in your face. People choose to get dermal fillers to enhance their facial features or gain a more youthful appearance. Results are seen right away and last 6 - 12 months. As you age, your body starts to lose collagen. Decreased amounts of collagen in your skin cause skin laxity (loose) and loss of volume. Skin becomes thinner, loses its elasticity, and starts to sag.
You may choose to get dermal fillers to:
Add volume to sagging skin.
Make your facial features more symmetrical.
Plump up lips and cheeks.
Smooth wrinkles and creases on your face.
Areas: Lips, Cheeks, Nasolabial Folds, Marionette Lines, Chin, Jaw Line
What to expect during your Dermal Filler Treatment?
Facial analysis, consultation, and consent form.
Skin (treatment area) will be cleansed with antiseptic spray.
Medical-grade numbing cream will be applied.
You can choose some stress balls for a sensory distraction (optional).
Numbing cream will be taken off and ice can be applied (optional - additional numbing effect).
Skin will be cleansed again.
Injections will be carried out.
Capillary refill will be checked - this is to check if blood flow remains to the skin.
Aftercare will be provided.
A review will be scheduled for 2 weeks post-treatment.
Pre-care information:
It is crucial that you do not consume alcohol for at least 24 hours before undergoing Botox injections, as alcohol can thin the blood and increase the possibility of bruising.
You should also avoid medications like Blood Thinners, Aspirin, or Anti Inflammatory for 1 week prior to your treatment.
Avoid other facial treatments at least 1 week prior to your treatment.
Avoid extensive sun exposure / the use of tanning beds at least 3 days prior to your treatment.
(We obviously advise that you stop using tanning beds altogether because they increase your risk of skin cancer and accelerate visible signs of aging).Likewise, avoid Hair Removal (to the area you are receiving Botox) at least 1 week prior to your treatment.
(Whether that be Waxing, Laser or Cream – Shaving is okay if done gently ensuring no nicks).In addition, please make sure you are not wearing makeup on the day of your treatment.
Helpful tips to minimise bruising:
As mentioned above avoid medications like Blood Thinners, Aspiriin or Anti Inflammatories for 1 week prior to your treatment.
Take Arnica tablets for 1 week prior to your treatment
Up your Iron, B12 & Vitamin C intake if you are prone to bruising.
Drink pineapple juice to help prevent bruising
What to expect after your Dermal Filler Treatment?
You may experience swelling and bruising due to the injections (expected to settle within 10-14 days)
You may experience mild discomfort (take paracetamol if needed and avoid ibuprofen)
Results last on average 6-12 months. However, this can vary per individual with some clients retaining filler for years.
After-care information:
Do not apply makeup for 24 hours following treatment.
No facials for 2 weeks after treatment.
Avoid the use of retinol or similar products for 2 days after treatment.
Avoid physical exercise, sun, heat exposure and saunas for 24 hours.
Do not touch, press, rub or manipulate the injected areas for 12 hours after treatment.
Avoid aspirin, gingko bilboba, garlic, flax oil, cod liver oil, vitamin A/E, or other essential fatty acids for 1 week after treatment.