Seventy Hyal

What is Seventy Hyal?

Seventy Hyal 2000 is a bio-stimulating, injectable hyaluronic acid skin booster that aims to improve hydration levels within the skin. This skin booster also works to simultaneously stimulate the production of new collagen and elastin. As we age, we lose approximately 1% of our hyaluronic acid stores per year after the age of 30. The reduction in hyaluronic acid results in fine lines and loss of facial volume. Seventy Hyal 2000 treats the physiological depletion of hyaluronic acid within the skin via the infiltration of hyaluronic acid back into the dermis of the skin. This skin booster acts as the perfect skin rejuventation treatment to improve skin texture and skin laxity whilst adding gentle volume.

Initially, two-three treatments of Seventy Hyal 2000 14 days apart. Treatments will then need to be topped up every 6-12 months, determined by skin quality. Seventy Hyal 2000 can treat the face, neck, decolletage and lips.

What to expect during your Seventy Hyal Treatment?

• Facial analysis, consultation, and consent form.

• Skin (treatment area) will be cleansed with an antiseptic spray.

• Medical grade numbing cream will be applied.

• You can choose some stress balls for a sensory distraction (optional).

• Numbing cream will be taken off and ice can be applied (optional - additional numbing effect.

• Skin will be cleansed again.

• Injections will be carried out.

• Aftercare will be provided.

Cost: £110 per treatment, £160 per two treatments, £200 per three treatments

Pre-care information:

Do not consume alcohol for at least 24 hours prior to treatment.

• Avoid blood thinners for 1 week prior to your treatment.

• Avoid extensive sun exposure or sun beds 3 days prior to your treatment.

Helpful tips to minimise bruising:

Avoid blood thinners for 1 week prior to your treatment.

• Take arnica tablets for 1 week prior to your treatment if you are prone to bruising.

• Up your iron, B12 & Vitamin C intake if you are prone to bruising.

• Drink pineapple juice to help prevent bruising.

• Do not massage the area this will cause any bruises to spread.

What to expect after your Seventy Hyal treatment?

After your treatment, you may experience 5 lumps under the skin on each side of your face where the product has been injected. These small bumps can last anywhere from 1-24 hours before dispersing under the skin. Bruising is a common side effect and will last for 3-5 days. There can also be some mild swelling and tenderness. This is all completely normal and generally reduces within a few days to a week.

Results last on average 6-12 months. After the initial two treatments, it is recommended to have one booster dose 6 monthly OR two treatments every 12 months. In clinical trials, results showed after 10 days after the first session.

Aftercare information:

• Do not wash your face or apply any skincare products for 4-6 hours.

• Do not apply makeup for 4-6 hours.

• Avoid exercise/sweating for 24 hours.

• Avoid swimming, saunas, and spas for 48 hours.

• Sleep on a clean pillowcase.

• Avoid sun beds and direct sun exposure for 7 days.

• You can apply a cool compress to any bruise but do not press down hard.

• Drink LOTS of water.***